Baby Talk


 Introducing Your Pet and New Baby


Let’s talk about babies and pets. I believe most of us keep pets at home J
When it comes to letting our baby play with pets, we as parent should have concerns as how they will react to the pet? And how the pet will response.

 Do you know naturally, babies and pets have same mind set as in characteristics and behavior?  With a newborn baby, we must prepare to introduce our baby to the cats or dogs.  The pets will act territorial initially, however, do not worry as their instincts will kick in and encourage them to slowly get used to being around the new member.

I bet everyone is concern if an allergy reactions will occurs to babies around pets.  Here are some useful tips we can use:

  1. Consult physicians and research both parents’ medical conditions before having a baby to identify if their families have any history of allergic reactions to pets and the level of seriousness.
  2. Take “extra precautions” in terms of hygiene and environmental issues especially inside the house.
  3. Put the pet’s plate for food, water or litter box where the baby cannot reach. He or she could choke on pet food and the water dish can be considered as a drowning hazard. 

Another issue to us is what if our baby and pet(s) not getting along.  Many pets do extremely well with small children, but even gentle pets can bite or scratch if provoked. Example:
  1.  The cry of a newborn can be enough to put some dogs on edge or annoy cats, and once your child is old enough to
  2. Grab tails and pull whiskers, anything can happen for sure once your child is old enough.hahahaha I used to do that :-p

The best things we can do are:
  •  ·        Don’t leave your baby alone:
Ensure that our baby is never alone with a pet and encourage them to get to know each other gradually under close supervision. 
  • ·         Kids Free Space:
Give your pets a location where they can escape to when they need space from your little one.  Guarantee you enforce this space even if it is just a dog or cat bed in the corner and don't let the baby go there.
  • ·         Obedience training:
A good idea to consider. Many professional trainers offer specialized classes to teach dogs and even cats on how to get along with young children. 

Finally, don't overlook the pet door, if you have one.  A baby who just learned how to crawl can be curious enough to go outside very quickly or even becomes trapped.  Use a safety gate to block your child's access to the pet door, or keep it locked for now. 

I am sure in the end both child and pet will learn to love time together as well as value some time apart.

That’s all guys. Have an awesome day 

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